Antique Monarch Malleable
Monarch Malleable Buck of Buck’s Stove Palace is selling… [read more]
Monarch Malleable
Buck of Buck’s Stove Palace is selling a rare “baby” Monarch Malleable wood cook stove. It is a fully restored cook stove circa 1910 and is ready to use. Width is 32″ w/o the side shelf and the side shelf is 7.5″.
It is Exempt from EPA regulations in all 50 states. Can be shipped anywhere in United States.
Call Buck (503-771-3374) or come see it in person at Bucks Stove Palace at 6803 SE Foster RD Portland OR 97206.
In addition other restored and unrestored Majestic and Home Comforts wood cookstoves available.
Price: $3,950

Grand Happy Thought
Grand Happy Thought The Grand Happy Thought is a 1890’s… [read more]
Grand Happy Thought
The Grand Happy Thought is a 1890’s Victorian Parlor heater for burning coal. It would heat up to 3,000 sq feet with today’s houses, but in those days it would be cut by 50% due to heat loss.
All original parts with porcelain medallions, nickel dolphins, solider trophy, and excellent interal condition. Wood may be burned in this stove with no problem if the wood was custom cut into smaller pieces.
In Buck’s 35+ years of being in the stove business it is the best example of art and functional appliance as well as having minimum use.
For Sale: $18,000

Great Majestic Cook Stove
The Great Majestic The Majestic Stove Company produced stoves from… [read more]
The Great Majestic
The Majestic Stove Company produced stoves from the 1880’s until the 1940’s. While in business they produced approximately two million stoves. The Majestic Stove Company was in the group of the 10 largest in the United Sates prior to World War II.
The Great Majestic Cook Stove pictured is a cabinet model. It has a storage compartment below the cooking oven. The stove shown here is the smallest sized Majestic ever made in a full cookstove model. Less then 20% of stoves sold were this size, but in today’s placement it is ideal for modern kitchens or cabins.
Cook Stoves throughout the United States are exempt from EPA rulings, but must conform to local building codes for safety. The definition of a cook stove is that it must have a baking oven.
For Sale: $4,900
SOLD Going to Texas!

Chicago World’s Fair Cook Stove
Chicago World’s Fair Cook Stove This stove was granted the… [read more]
Chicago World’s Fair
Cook Stove
This stove was granted the highest award in the Chicago Worlds Fair in 1893. The stove was produced for additional five years with only the change of the date on the stove due to its huge popularity and uniqueness in operation.
The oven door medallion has it’s own private peep hole to look into the oven to keep an eye on “grandma’s homemade muffins.” When you open the oven door the shelf rises an half inch to make sure the muffins don’t end up on the floor!
Come see our Chicago World’s Fair stove in our antique stove museum!
For Sale: $18,000
Antique Stoves
Buck has one of the largest collections of antique stoves in nation, numbering over 400. He has numerous stoves in museums around the country including the High Desert Museum in Bend, Oregon and This Is The Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has also rented stoves out to television and movies such as NBC’s Grimm series, The Portland Opera, and the theatre department of Lewis and Clark College, among others. Buck’s antique stoves can also be found in local establishments around the North West.
Buck’s Stove Palace is one of only a handful of places in the nation to restore antique stoves back to their original condition. Clients often bring in an old family heirloom or they choose from Buck’s huge inventory.